睡美人 英语翻译 The Sleeping Beauty by Samuel Rogers

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睡美人 英语翻译 The Sleeping Beauty

——by Samuel Rogers


  Sleep on,and dream of Heaven awhile——


  Tho' shut so close thy laughing eyes,


  Thy rosy lips still wear a smile


  And move and breathe delicious sighs!


  Ah, now soft blushes tinge her cheeks


  And mantle o'er her neck of snow;


  Ah, now she murmurs, now she speaks


  What most I wish——and fear to know!


  She starts,she trembles,and she weeps!


  Her fair hands folded on her breast;


  ——And now,how like a saint she sleeps!


  A seraph in the realms of rest!


  Sleep on secure! A bove control


  Thy thoughts belong to Heaven and thee;


  And may the secret of thy soul


  Remain within its sanctuary!