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Doctoral candidates and a post-doctoral researcher in the field of characterizing and analyzing cellular network topologies


Wireless signal processing group at Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics and Communications engineering group, Department of Communications and Networking, are looking for highly motivated and talented doctoral candidates and post-doctoral research to join their research work.



Cellular communications has been growing exponentially worldwide and mobile Internet usage continues to be on a sharp upward trajectory.  The explosive growth and increasing complexity of cellular networks raise the need to rethink many fundamental notions and concepts in order to guarantee solid understating and reliable design.  Some pertinent topics are

1. Millimeter waves bring in new challenges in terms of irregularity of the network topology, uplink coverage, device discovery etc.

2. Crowdsourcing and easier access to network and performance data create new research opportunities for data-driven network design. 

3. Massive IoT deployments and machine-type communications generate dynamically changing load and traffic patterns, posing challenges to coverage and service of quality guarantees

4. Deploying access points in drones, cars, trains further increases the network dynamics complicating radio resource management.

5. Continuous service between WiFi, 5G and satellite communications require careful resource management between heterogeneous systems


The objective is to investigate, much beyond the state of the art and with fresh points of view, these concepts in order to lay the foundations of new ways of describing and analyzing the cellular networks of the future, such as the highly complex and heterogeneous architectures that are foreseen for 5G. To start with, Accurate modeling of networks is of utmost importance, and towards that end, new definitions for notions such as network topology and irregularity are required


The research work of the prospective doctoral candidates and post docs tackles these problems by contributing to the following general questions:

1. What is the relation between network capacity, coverage, and spectral/energy/deployment efficiency and network topology, irregularity, and demand diversity/distribution?

2. Is it possible to justify principles for network planning and Radio Resource Management (RRM) optimization from attributes of the network topology such as irregularity?


These general research questions will be applied to the topics outlined above using research methods choice. Depending on the competences of the applicant, the work can be formulated as developing mathematical analysis or developing large scale system simulations.



Professor Risto Wichman leads the Wireless Signal Processing group. The group has been concentrating on research on physical layer of wireless communication systems. The topics include

• full-duplex technology, performance analysis, algorithm design, implementation

• multiantenna communications, especially closed-loop, massive MIMO, reduced complexity and implementation

• analysis, identification, and compensation of imperfections due to RF components using digital signal processing

• spectrum sharing, TV white spaces, licensed shared access, CBRS, radio environment mapping and radio resource management

• analysis and mitigation of co-channel interference in wireless networks

The applied techniques are drawn from communication theory, digital signal processing, and information theory. Spectrum sharing work has sparked the spin-off company Fairspectrum,  

fairspectrum.com. Professor Jyri Hämäläinen leads Mobile Communications group. The group is conducting research on

• 5G, heterogeneous and ultra dense networks

• multiantenna communications, radio resource control and optimization for e.g. machine-type communications

• cloud-based radio access networks

• spectrum and co-existence management, interference control and mitigation



• For doctoral candidate (2 positions), Master's degree or equivalent in communications engineering, signal processing, control engineering, or applied mathematics

• Excellent math and analytical skills and/or excellent algorithm development and programming skills to conduct large scale simulations.

• For postdoctoral research position (1 position), we prefer applicants that have defended their thesis during the last 5 years.



Doctoral Candidate position will be filled initially for one year with possible extensions (expected maximum duration of doctoral studies is 4 years). The starting salary is approximately 2400 €/month for a doctoral candidate and it will increase with performance over time.  For a post-doc the starting salary is around 3500 €/month and position will be filled for 1-3 years. The contract includes occupational health benefits and holiday bonus. Finland has a comprehensive social security system. We prefer that the studies start no later than September 1st, 2017.



Apply through the “Apply for this job” link below and include the following attachments:

• Application letter

• Course transcripts of highest degree with grades and Certificate of the degree

• Curriculum Vitae

• References



Deadline for applications is June 1, 2017 but we will start reviewing candidates immediately upon receiving new application documents. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. In addition, doctoral candidates must check out to fulfill the official requirements set by the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering in into.aalto.fi/display/endoctoralelec/Doctoral+Degree+Application


For additional information, please contact Prof. Risto Wichman or Prof. Jyri Hämäläinen firstname.lastname@aalto.fi.