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欧洲招聘网(http://job.ouzhou.cc)2017年11月招聘资讯:英国伦敦帝国学院招聘:计算,实验和定量生物学科研小组负责人。MRC伦敦医学科学研究所综合生物科,伦敦帝国学院计算,实验和定量生物学科研小组负责人位置职业发展奖 - 每年£55,000£59000或终身教授- 每年£59,000至£66,000



Group LeaderPositions in Computational, Experimental and Quantitative Biology

MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences,Integrative Biology Section,

Imperial College London

Career Development Award - £55,000 to £59,000 or Tenure Track

-£59,000 to £66,000

The London Institute of Medical Sciences invites applications for Junior Group Leader Positions in Computational,Experimental and Quantitative Biology.

The Integrative Biology Section applies computational and experimental methods across a range of scales from single molecules to human patients. Successful applicants will have an outstanding track record in an area of computational, experimental, quantitative or systems biology. You will develop a competitive research program that is synergistic with the Institute’s core strengths, which include epigenetics, gene regulation, metabolism, and imaging.

Focus areas include

·        Network analysis, inference and data-based modelling of biological systems

·        Biophysics modelling with an emphasis on cells and tissues

·        Quantitative, systems level analysis of biological problems

·        Stateor phase transitions and emergent properties

·        How variability drives phenotypes across scales

·        Bridging disease phenotype or variation with single molecules

·        Machine learning/AI

·        State-of-the-artimaging and image analysis

The LMS is embedded in a clinical environmentand provides excellent opportunities for translational work.

We can offer competitive packages that include intramural funding through the UK Medical Research Council with core-fundedposts, access to PhD studentships and excellent core facilities (sequencing,FACS, proteomics, high-resolution imaging, rodent transgenics, whole animal phenotyping).The position is directly affiliated with Imperial College London. As one of the world’s top-ranked universities, ImperialCollege offers excellent opportunities to collaborate with leading scientistsin complementary areas, including Computing, Maths, Physics and Engineering.

For more information about the post pleasecontact Professor Matthias Merkenschlager (Matthias.merkenschlager@lms.mrc.ac.uk).