德国Eberhard Karls图宾根大学神经生物学系招聘博士生

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欧洲招聘网(http://job.ouzhou.cc)2017年10月招聘资讯:德国Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen图宾根大学神经生物学系招聘博士生。图宾根大学Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen坐落于德国巴登符腾堡州图宾根市,是德国最古老的大学之一,在自然科学及人文科学领域均享有盛誉。该校是德国11所“精英大学”之一,在最新发布的2018泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排名中图宾根大学位列第94位,在德国大学排名中位列第9位,其中在医学专项排名中位列德国高校第6位。


实验室特色技术包括:1, 双光子显微镜,可以实时长期记录观察小鼠大脑神经元或胶质细胞的分化发育及衰老过程;2,钙成像,实时记录神经元内钙离子信号变化;3,各种神经元及胶质细胞标记技术,灵活运用小分子染料,慢病毒,逆转录病毒,腺病毒相关病毒进行标记,并且已经建立了神经元彩虹标记跟踪系统(RGB);4,小鼠大脑区域安装窗口,以便于双光子显微镜扫描神经元活动。

Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk

神经生物学系目前只有招聘导师Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk一位教授,经费较为充裕(只有“够花”和“很够花”两种情况)。该教授学术非常严谨,御下较为严格,不过毕竟很多学生已经接受过国内导师更严格的训练(此处省略一万字吐槽,想一吐为快者可在文下留言),相信大部分学生对此应该可以从容接受。实验室学生来自多个国家,工作团队友好,日常氛围比较轻松。但是上下班时间相对固定(加班的情况另论),博士毕业时间可能会适当延期(德国博士延期也比较常见)。

申请成功后,学生可以选择加入一个培训项目(a training program)。其中,Graduate school in Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience项目经费较为充足,比如会为学生报销部分学习德语的费用及参加国际会议的费用。PhD program in Experimental Medicine项目会为学习生物学的学生增加医学背景,可能会利于今后申请医学方向经费或从事医学领域研究。两个项目的具体情况可见项目网站。



One of the most devastating complicationsof protozoal infections is the invasion of the central nervous system. In thecase of Trypanosoma brucei, the causal agent of Human African Trypanosomiasis,invasion of the brain parenchyma is driven by the expression of proinflammatorycytokines. Still, it is unknown how parasites and the parenchyma cellularmicroenvironment interact and how the cerebral infection is controlled by thehost before an encephalopathy occurs. Our previous work shows that in vitromicroglial cells can be activated by trypanosomes and are able to engulf theparasite. However, the in vivo hallmarks of microglial reaction to the parasiteremain unclear.

We are looking for a highly motivated PhDstudent interested in deciphering the role of microglia in controlling cerebralinfection in a mouse model of African trypanosomiasis. The student will applystate‐of‐the art techniques (in vivo two‐photon microscopy, production of mutant parasites,immunohistochemistry, etc.). The successful candidate can choose one of the twotraining programs (Graduate school in Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience http://www.neuroschool-tuebingen.de/master/cell-molec-neurosci/)or PhD program in Experimental Medicine (https://www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/en/Research/Doctoral+Studies+at+the+MFT/PhD+Program+in+Experimental+Medicine.html).

Candidates should hold a master’s degree inbiology or a related field and have previous laboratory experience in:neuroscience, molecular biology, or in vivo imaging. In addition, candidatesshould be proactive and motivated, have good communication skills, ability towork in a team, and proficiency in English language

Applications including CV, motivationletter, and contact information of two reference persons (in a single pdf file)should be send to Dr. Katherine Figarella(katherine.figarella@uni-tuebingen.de) until Dec. 1. The project starts inJanuary 2018. To learn more about the lab please visit http://www.physiologie2.uni-tuebingen.de.

Job Information

Closing date: 2017-12-01

Employment start date: 2018-01-01

Contract length: 2 years (extensionpossible)

Institution:Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Department: Institute of Physiology,Department of Neurophysiology

Contact Information

Dr. Katherine Figarella

Institute of Physiology,

Department of Neurophysiology,

Eberhard Karls University Tübingen,

Keplerstraße 15,

72074 Tübingen, Germany

Phone: +49-(0)7071 29-73698

Email: katherine.figarella@uni-tuebingen.de