阿里云事业群德国招聘BD Manager:Alibaba Cloud-BD Manager-Germany
欧洲网(http://www.ouzhou.cc)2017年7月招聘资讯:阿里云事业群招聘BD Manager:Alibaba Cloud-BD Manager-Germany
发布时间: 2017-03-26 工作地点: 海外 工作年限: 五年以上
所属部门: 阿里云事业群 学 历: 本科 招聘人数: 3
1. Recruit flagship enterprise customers in an overseas market and migrate them onto Aliyun cloud.
2. Establish local partner network to resell and services;
3. Also carry the KPI of total local market consumption, including on-line customer acquisition;
4. Help on local marketing events to recruit customers;
5. Other international assignment as assigned;
1. Knowledge and experience of working as a Sales or BD in an international market;
2. Able to work independently in a remote market and achieve result in highly stressful environment;
3. Excellent English communication skills
4. Cloud related knowledge
5. Able to team work with team members across regions
6. 7+ years of working experience.
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