
欧洲网 ouzhou.cc

欧洲网(http://www.ouzhou.cc)2017年5月21日发布:Optiver荷兰阿姆斯特丹澳帝桦集团2017/2018校园招聘Optiver ,部分招聘信息来源于网络,应聘者投递时请鉴别有效性。

Take the challenge, work out the below code, and apply for our roles! 

At Optiver

challenges await and every day presents us with new and interesting problems to solve.

We are currently seeking the best and brightest minds to join our team in trading and technology! Please click on the links below for more information and how to apply to our 2017 or 2018 opportunities:

Open positions

Opportunities to start in July 2017:

China Junior Trader

China Junior Developer

If you are completing your degree after July 2017, please click on the links for 2018 opportunities:

2018 China Trainee Trader

2018 China Graduate Developer

2018 China Graduate Trading Systems Engineer

Campus Talks


6:30 pm May 23 


2:30 pm May 24 


4:00 pm May 31 


6:30 pm Jun 1 



We’re holding  information session right on-campus and we’re keen to meet you! Come along to meet us, check out what its like to work here and find out where you would fit in.

You’ll also get the chance to kickstart the recruitment process with us taking our tests!

Want to know more? Does a challenge excite you? Then please sign up for a campus talk and we look forward to meeting you there! 


Who We Are

We’re a leading global independent market maker dealing mainly in derivatives, shares and bonds. We’ve been on the scene since 1986 and are now one of the largest derivative groups on the Asian and European exchanges, with a growing presence in the USA. We’re excited about the journey we are on and the growth of our business. 




Our Shanghai office is growing fast! We set up our Shanghai office at the end of 2012 with the aim of expanding our reach. We are in an exciting phase and have ambitious growth plans in the next 5 years across trading, technology and business operations. We are actively participating in the China market, trading on commodities and futures. We are excited to grow our team and have a number of career-charging opportunities available for talented and passionate graduates like you to join us. We have vacancies across Trading, Software Development and Trading Systems Engineering.


Optiver(上海)在2012年底正式在上海浦东成立办公室,主要专注于中国市场的商品和期货交易。 我们在全球团队的支持下,对中国市场有着长期且可持续发展的战略愿景。我们每个人都怀揣梦想与激情,致力于成为中国市场值得信赖的合作伙伴。如果你敢于接受挑战,愿意不断突破自我,欢迎加入我们!


Application Deadline: 11 June 2017


