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       英国旅游之英式下午茶:王室座上客·肯辛顿花园里的下午茶—-The Orangerie at Kensington Palace。中国的茶叶传入英国,形成了独具英国特色的“茶文化”。“英式下午茶”的历史可追溯到狄更斯时代和维多利亚女王时期,沿袭至今已成为英国人典雅生活方式的象征之一。传统的下午茶通常包括英式烤松饼司康(scones)、三明治、草莓挞等点心,放置在传统的三层茶盘里;同时有格雷伯爵红茶等多个茶类供选择。以下我们按照不同价位推荐了伦敦地区下午茶最佳体验地,不妨在午后时分体验一次英式下午茶,感受贵族式的优雅生活。

王室座上客·肯辛顿花园里的下午茶—-The Orangerie at Kensington Palace

Surrounded by beautiful formal gardens in the grounds of Kensington Palace rests The Orangery,

a relaxed and elegant setting for breakfast or lunch and the only royal palace in London

where you can enjoy a traditional afternoon tea.


The Orangery was once the setting for Queen Anne’s sophisticated court entertainment

and its soaring ceilings and classical 18th century architecture are a magnificent backdrop

for the restaurant’s simple and honest menu of delicious English dishes.


For more information, or for reservations please call 020 3166 6113.

地址:Kensington Palace  Kensington Gardens, London W8 4PX
预订电话:020 3166 6113