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2. BRP卡补办方式


(以下信息来自 UK Visa and Immigration: https://www.gov.uk/replace-brp为确保信息准确,请登录官方网站查询实时最新信息)


Contact the police to report the loss, theft or damage and get a police case reference number.


去警察局报警,拿到警察局的reference number


You must then email the Home Office immediately using the relevant email address.


Report a lost or stolen BRP to:BRPLost@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk


立即发邮件给Home Office报告BRP丢失的情况。


—You should include:



your full name 全名

date of birth 出生日期

Nationality 国籍

your contact details 联系方式

your passport number 护照号码

your BRP reference number 之前BRP或者签证的 reference number

your police case reference number 警察局的 reference number

when, where and how the loss or theft occurred 遗失细节:什么时候、哪里以及如何遗失

You can also send this information by post to:




Returns Unit

PO Box 163


BS20 1AB

You must then apply for a replacement BRP


之后根据Home Office回复情况进行BRP卡的补办,包括填写具体的表格


You must apply for a replacement BRP within 3 months if it was lost, stolen or damaged while you were in the UK。


在UK境内遗失的BRP卡需要在三个月之内补办,补办的费用为 £40。