
欧洲网 ouzhou.cc


  英国院校申请没有一个固定的申请截止日期,采取的是Rolling Admission制度,即先到先得。何时截止取决于申请量、录取量和回复量。如果名额已满,就会提早截止。



  (1)University of Sheffield谢菲尔德大学

  MSc Accounting, Governance and Financial Management FT

  MSc Finance and Accounting

  MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management

  (2)University of Manchester曼彻斯特大学

  MA Education (International)

  MSc Human Resource Management (Int’l Dev)

  MSc Finance and Business Economics 此专业2017年不开放

  MSc International Fashion Retailing

  MSc International Fashion Retailing (Multichannel Marketing)

  MSc International Fashion Retailing (Business Process Improvement)

  MSc ACS: Computer Security

  MSc ACS: Computer Systems Engineering

  MSc ACS: Advanced Web Technologies

  MSc ACS: Artificial Intelligence

  MSc ACS: Computer Systems Engineering

  MSc ACS: Data and Knowledge Management

  MSc ACS: Digital Biology

  MSc ACS: Multi·Core Computing

  MSc ACS: Semantic Technologies

  MSc ACS: Software Engineering

  (3)University of Bristol布里斯托大学

  MSc Accounting and Finance

  MSc Finance and Investment

  MSc Accounting, Finance and Management

  MSc Economics, Accounting and Finance

  MSc Economics, Finance and Management

  (4)University of Surrey萨里大学

  MSc International Financial Management

  MSc International Business Management

  (5)Durham University杜伦大学

  MSc Accounting

  All MSc Finance programmes

  All MSc Management programmes

  (6)University of Bath巴斯大学


  Psychology (both the 3 and 4 year programme)

  International Management

  Social Work

  Foundations Degree Addictions Counselling

  (Management and Engineering课程也即将关闭申请)

  (7)University of Sussex萨塞克斯大学


  MSc Management

  MSc Management and Finance

  MSc Project Management